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The Accomplice

An ambitious young politico wangles a dream job, only to slide into a deadly ethical morass.

Smarting over a recent gubernatorial campaign in which he may have cost his boss the race, Henry Hatten is concerned about becoming a political has-been. But he catches a break when he lands a job as communications director for Nebraska Senator Tom Peele’s presidential campaign. As the campaign progresses, however, Henry finds himself involved in dealings so dirty, even a potential spot in the White House might not justify the means. In a world in which campaigns are won in the margins, pushing players to the very edge, how do you avoid sliding over and damning yourself?

The U.S. Senate

Published 2013 by Thomas Dunne Books / St. Martin's Press.


The U.S. Senate is the second book in the Fundamentals of American Government civics series, exploring the inner workings of this important part of the legislative branch. As with Selecting a President, this book is written for all audiences, but voiced toward high school seniors and college freshmen―or any citizen interested in a concise yet authoritative exploration of this representative entity. Written by former Senator Tom Daschle, and co-written by acclaimed journalist Charles Robbins, this compelling and digestible book carefully examines and explains exactly how the Senate operates. From its electoral process to voting procedure, historic beginnings to modern day issues―there is no area of this governmental body left un-revealed. Told with an insider's perspective there is not a more defining or easily accessible compendium detailing the U.S. Senate.

Life Among the Cannibals

Sen. Arlen Specter offers a riveting first-hand account of the rise of political extremism, showing how the fringes have embarked on a cannibalistic crusade to purge moderates, and how the quest for ideological purity is bringing government to a standstill.


"A highly readable battle cry from the moderate center."

Kirkus Reviews

Passion for Truth

With Sen. Arlen Specter.  Sen. Specter devised the Single-Bullet Theory on President Kennedy's assassination; derailed Judge Robert Bork’s Supreme Court nomination; and played a key role in President Clinton’s impeachment.  This book analyzes those and other controversies, naming names and showing where the system succeeded or failed.

Hardcover published 2000 by Morrow / HarperCollins, Paperback 2001 by Harper Perennial.
"An insider's perspective on vital, debatable, historic terrain."

The New York Times